
Monday, November 14, 2011

Thinking about this blog

I got an email a few days ago about this blog. Said that it had not been posted on in a long time - very true statement. The question that I have now is, what am I supposed to do with this blog. I want to use it to encourage other believers and help them to become more like the person of Christ. Just like Ephesians 4:16, bring people together to help people grow together to be like Christ. Some problems that I am facing with this idea: people are in different locations, with their own ideas and agendas for their lives. How do I bring all these people together and best help them? I think this is a question that a lot of churches face, too. Countless books have been written on the subject, conferences planned, events promoted, etc. Is this blog going to be any different, is it going to accomplish any more than those? Anyways, enough about that. I have recently started to memorize scripture again. It is one of those things that you don't realize how much you needed it until you start doing it. I remember their being great value in memorizing the bible, but I didn't know how much. It is so great to have parts of God's word with me wherever I go and whenever I need them. The disciples said that Jesus along had the words to life, and I couldn't agree more. In a sense, I have found life in His words. My passion for Christ and for the Gospel is refreshed and I have a newness in me because of Christ's words. I would encourage everyone to memorize at least a few verses. But you won't stop there, you will want more. The soul will want more of Christ, the flesh will grow weary and weak. I have dealt with this concept the last couple of days as I have just gotten tired of the work involved in memorizing and in pursuing Christ. It is a fight every day to get up and spend time in His word and to learn more about Him. It is worth it, but it is a fight. So choose with me this day whom you will serve? Will you be dead to the flesh or to Christ? Who will you serve? As for me, as best as I know how, I will serve the Lord. And when I don't, I trust his grace to be sufficient for me. Blessings from a pilgrim Later

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