
Monday, February 7, 2011

Broken Sinners

If you think that we have any idea what we am doing you are greatly mistaken. If you want a step by step process of how we are going to grow and invite people into the body of Christ we don't have one. If, for whatever reason, you want a safe place to find encouragement and be a fair-weathered Christian, you won't find that here. What you will find is a bunch of broken sinner in need of a great savior who want to extend the favor to other and will go to great lengths to do so.

As you might have guessed, this is a blog to provide a opportunity for the body of Christ to purposefully join together to do those good works "which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them" (Eph 2:10).

This is a multi-author blog, there is no one person in charge. This is about people, not programs - if this blog project crashes and burns it will only be in vain if people aren't impacted for Christ.

Welcome to the journey fellow pilgrims and exiles on this earth.


  1. At this point, people can follow this blog but they still cannot post anything to it. You might need to make everyone else who wants to participate a contributor...

  2. In order for me to do that, they have to accept my invite to the blog. As of right now I have invite a handful of people and none of them have accepted. You are able to read it, but you need to accept the invite through your gmail account to be able to post and such. I'll bring my computer and show people who want to be authors
