
Monday, February 21, 2011


I realized something today on my way to Chapel. If you begin to pray for Godly things, and for actions that are clearly within God's will and desire. He gives them. Just be careful for what you ask for.

I am reading a book, Bruchko, and with it tells a very passionate story about a young man who is passionate about God. He simply prayed, "God, change me like you changed the people in the bible" and after being struck with God's presence he continued, "and give me the passion that you gave them."

A very simple prayer, but one with a lot behind it. If you think about what kind of passion it takes to be like peter, or to have faith like john, then asking for that would mean a lot.

I asked God this morning that he would give me a passion like Peter's and a faith like John's and a drive and compassion like Paul. Already within the day I have felt a greater desire toward those very things.

Be careful what you pray for.

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