
Monday, February 27, 2012

Fulfillment in Christ

With the help of good preaching and the holy spirit, I had a thought that I would like to share with you.

One of the youth pastors at my church, Joe, talked on "over-coming temptation" and used the temptation of Christ as a model. We looked at how each of the temptations that Christ faced is routed back to different desires that everyone faces. The desires such as food, acceptance, power, and ultimately pride of life - a good and happy life.

As the talk continued and Joe gave more examples, I made a connection. As obvious as it was, I found it very interesting at the time. That is, all of our depravities are fulfilled in Christ. Stated another way, all that we inherited from walking away from God, we receive when we come to Christ.

Let me explain. I want to be accepted. So I will often show off, make poor choices and hang around with the "cool kids" so others will accept me. They might, they might not. Even if they do, that desire for acceptance won't be fulfilled. Yet Christ says, "Come to me all of you who are weary..." We have acceptance in Christ.

Another one, love. Girls and guys both want to give and receive love. I have looked for that in a girlfriend, best friends, and a lot of other places. There is a longing to be cherished and to care for someone as well. I have even thought, if I could just get that girl to date me, then I would be happy. The reality is that we are to love Christ and Christ loves us. That depravity is cared for in the character of Christ.

And the list goes on. Every area of our depravity is completed in the character of Christ. Forgiveness, justice, peaces, love, acceptance, joy, etc. Just think of the area in your life, that thing you want more than anything. I'll bet you my college loans that they can find fulfillment in Christ.

My big one is independence. I don't want to need anyone else. At the core, I have this desire to be able to do things on my own and be self-reliant. I think that relying on other people is weak or something, and so I will often push people away. Yet Christ, who is truly self-reliant shows me two things. First, independence is weak, not the other way around. Second, Christ shows his true power as he relies on the Father for power.

Like I said, I always knew that that Christ fulfills our depravity, but I never realized it in a practical setting. That the desires we have, such as love and acceptance, are the very things that Christ wants to fulfill in our lives. The same desires that lead us toward sin and rebellion against God, can be found in the person of Christ.


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Press On To Know God

I recently just finished reading through Hosea. In it God talks a lot about His people turning away and forsaking Him for false gods which will ultimately result in their ruin. God warns them of what will happen if they continue in their rebellion, but in chapter 6 Hosea gives an amazing admonition to Israel. "Come, let us return to the LORD. For He has torn us, but He will heal us; He has wounded us, but He will bandage us. He will revive us...that we may live before Him. So let us know, let us press on to know the LORD." (Hosea 6:1-3)

Even after all the evil Israel had done, God still offers mercy through Hosea's call. But what I find so intriguing is the last part. Hosea says, "Let us press on to know the LORD." You see, that was Israel's root problem in all their other sins; they did not press on to know the Lord. They wanted to know something else, not God. But knowing all these other things leads to death, but knowing God is eternal life! (John 17:3)

This made me think about the Christian life we live. We say we know God, but are we pressing on to know Him. Being a Christian is not just something you do once in your life where you pray for Jesus to come into your heart. A Christian, a person who truly has eternal life is someone who knows God! That is why Jesus came, to give us eternal life, which is knowing Him!

But so many times we get so overloaded in our lives that we fail to press on in knowing God. We rely on our past encounters to sustain us. But if we do that then we will find that we will slowly drift away. Hosea (and God) cried out to Israel to not do this. I think we should listen to their cry as well. Don't just sit down and do nothing in your spiritual on to know God! Read, Pray, Serve, give yourself fully to Him! Don't let your life get so cluttered with everything else that you forget Him. Thirst and yearn for Him, because He satisfies! Spend time with your Lord, for in His presence is fullness of joy! It is hard work, but it is so worth it! Press on to know the LORD!